Moba League of Legend-Wild Rift

2 min readDec 2, 2020

Wild-rift is a genuine MOBA hand tour jointly launched by Riot Games and Tencent. Inheriting the experience of League of Legends, the classic elements of the game, such as heroes, maps, monsters, and operation, recreate the fun of the battlefield in the mobile terminal.

Game Settings

Wild-rift retains the classic diversions of the end-game, with a single game estimated at 15–18 minutes, and incorporates many innovative ways to realize more operational possibilities in addition to adapting to mobile operations.

Game Releases

On October 16, 2019, Riot Games officially announced the news of the League of Legends handheld product during a global broadcast celebrating the 10th anniversary of League of Legends worldwide. Michael Chow, global executive producer for League of Legends mobile and console platforms, and Xia Dan, publishing producer for League of Legends handheld game in China.

Games Objectives

  1. Choose your lane.
  2. Take on the jungle.
  3. Destroy turret to reach the nexus.
  4. Destroy the nexus and base.


There will be over 40 champions to collect and play, each champion has unique abilities, including a powerful ultimate ability, that you can unlock over the course of the game.

How Does Ranked Work?

There will be the same tiers as League PC, Iron through Challenger, but with a new tier, Emerald (between Platinum and Diamond) for broader skill distribution. You need to earn a certain number of points to climb each partition, and lower levels require fewer points.

You can line up with 1, 2, 3, or 5 players, and you will always get a balanced game taking into account the skills of the players and the pre-made team size.

